89 Mandalay Mee-Shay Dekkhina Thiri

The food are delicious and services are good.

At a glance


Homemade Rice Noodle Mee-Shay, Gennuine Mandalay Style. The Mee Shay is a dish of rice noodles mixed in a meat sauce. A pork leg is slow cooked in clay-pot and serves as a perfumed broth to cook the rice noodle. A sauce made of coriander, garlic, soya bean sauce, rice sauce and chili oil is then added to mix to give it a kick.

Opening Times
7 AM-2 PM


Locally Owned
Ethnic Culture

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89 Mandalay Mee-Shay Dekkhina Thiri

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89 Mandalay Mee-Shay Dekkhina Thiri

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