Latt Yar Thit Restaurant Dawei

Latt Yar Thit restaurant is located in Tha Bauk Hsake Pyin Gyi Beach, Pyin Gyi Village, Launglone Township. It takes about 45 minutes from Dawei. You can go the restaurant from the Maungmagan Beach along Myaw Yit Pagoda road and turn right and the opposite side of Shine Thar Yar beach. This restaurant can get fresh of seafoods, you can relax and can see sea view at the restaurant.

At a glance


Latt Yar Thit restaurant is located in Tha Bauk Hsake Pyin Gyi Beach, Pyin Gyi Village, Launglone Township. It takes about 45 minutes from Dawei. You can go the restaurant  from the Maungmagan Beach along  Myaw Yit Pagoda road and turn right and the opposite side of Shine Thar Yar beach. This restaurant can get fresh of seafoods, you can relax and can see sea view at the restaurant.

Opening Times
6:00 AM to 8:00 PM


Locally Owned
Ethnic Culture

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Signature Dishes of

Latt Yar Thit Restaurant Dawei

Masala Crab Curry
Seafood Salads

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Latt Yar Thit Restaurant Dawei

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