Swal Mal Restaurant Myeik

Swal Mal Restaurant is located in Kalwin Sone Khaung Quarter, Parami Street, Myeik, Tanintharyi. It can get palm juice, seafoods and local foods. This restaurant is good services, foods are delicious and fresh. You can relax with your friends drinking palm juice.

At a glance


Swal Mal Restaurant is located in Kalwin Sone Khaung Quarter, Parami  Street, Myeik, Tanintharyi. It can get palm juice, seafoods and local foods. This restaurant is good services, foods are delicious and fresh. You can relax with your friends drinking palm juice.

Review Highlight

Nice place. Be able to chill with friends. And the price of foods are reasonable.

Opening Times
10:00 AM to 7:00 PM


Locally Owned
Ethnic Culture

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Signature Dishes of

Swal Mal Restaurant Myeik

Fried Fishes and Fish eggs
Jelly Fish
Palm Fruit

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Swal Mal Restaurant Myeik

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